From January 1, Federal Law of December 16, 2019 No. 439-ФЗ “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with regard to the generation of information on employment in electronic form” comes into force. This law provides the transition to the generation of employment information and seniority in electronic form without the use of paper workbooks.
The transition will occur in stages:
– from next year it will be necessary to keep both paper and electronic workbooks;
– until June 30, 2020, it will be necessary to notify each employee of the opportunity to refuse a paper document;
– it will be possible to leave only an electronic version for those who wrote the corresponding statement;
– for those who will be getting a job for first time after December 31, 2020, the information will be processed immediately in electronic form.
Electronic workbooks are designed to save organizations from unnecessary labor. In addition, they will help minimize the risk of employees to lose information about their work experience, relieve them of the obligation to recover data on where and how much they worked.